2025: The Year of Well-being
Here is what is new for 2025: I am changing my blog format to bring you streamlined well-being guidance aligned with five pillars: Mind & Body, Relationships, Career, Finances, and Community. Here is why: In ...
Here is what is new for 2025: I am changing my blog format to bring you streamlined well-being guidance aligned with five pillars: Mind & Body, Relationships, Career, Finances, and Community. Here is why: In ...
On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “it’s a disaster” and 10 being “I can account for every penny”, give yourself a rating for the statement: I manage my money well. How ...
The moment I became a parent I developed an awareness and intentionality to live with presence, integrity, and curiosity as an example for my children. This intrinsic force shaped my priorities and behaviors and launched ...
In Why You Need a Well-being Strategy I made the case for how the systems we live and work in are not designed to promote and foster well-being, and as a result we as a ...
Over the past ten years my partner, Tim, has been a witness (and sounding board) for my crazy ideas, dreams, pivots, challenges, accomplishments, and resilience. He recently brought to my attention that I am living ...
Well-being is clearly having a moment, but what’s bothering me is this: We, as a people, are not well. This post shares why I believe you need a personal well-being strategy to ensure a life well-lived on your terms.
Every day for the past ten years I have thought about how I can unify my life experience as an artist, teacher, yogi, explorer, marketer, and entrepreneur to help people craft their unique quality of ...
During the spring and summer of 2023 I experienced some challenging life situations, several of which I wrote about in this two-part story. To sum it up: I was feeling ungrounded and with a sense ...
We left Sedona near the end of January and headed to Phoenix where the plan was to spend two weeks at my mom’s house where we would reset on what was next in our drive-about ...
Sedona, Arizona was the third stop on our drive-about where we planned our 7-week stay on the west side of town in a house at the base of Thunder Mountain. We arrived on a beautiful ...
The shift in energy from Montana to Utah was palpable. It began with the Utah AirBnB host giving us grief (and a biased bill) for our dogs to be included in the reservation, followed by ...
Four weeks ago, my partner Tim, our two dogs, and I embarked on what we are calling “the great drive-about”. We gave up our house in the Seattle suburbs, purged a lot of our stuff, ...
My son recently began his first job and within a month had an experience with his manager that left him feeling confused, frustrated, and worried. When listening to my son explain the situation, I tried ...
There is a revolution underway, and it calls for conscious leadership as a means to uplevel the human experience in business and work. It is being led by people who no longer accept being cogs ...
Today is the 20th anniversary of 9/11, the worst terrorist attacks in our country’s history. For the last several months I’ve been thinking about documenting my experience, planning ahead to have something ready to publish ...
Right now, I’m thinking about batching my time, meaning to lump similar tasks or activities together in time blocks throughout the day. Aside from the practical productivity hack, I’m sure that my desire is to ...
I’ve felt a rush of energy lately to become very clear with what I’ve learned on my quest for work I love and what it means for myself and others. For over three years I’ve ...
I recently took stock of the key elements and inspirations that have become foundational in the self inquiry journey that I’ve been on during the last several years. When collected, there was a common emotion ...
In no particular order this post highlights my ah-ha moments of the past year. It was a good exercise in reflecting on a year that was like no other and for also helping me to ...
Thinking back to the moment that I made the decision to be the leader I wanted to have, I recall that it was during a discussion I was having with an human resources manager. I ...