The Year I Was Quiet

What do you do when something doesn’t sit quite right with you, when your spidey senses tell you something is amiss? I’m not talking about life or death situations, but when you can sense someone ...

Training for Longevity

What are you training for? It’s not often that I hear a question that stops me in my tracks, one that makes me pause and search for an answer, but this was one of them. ...

5 Steps for Marketing with Intention

I’m reading Digital Minimalism and I’m struck by the similarity between the book’s philosophy for helping people develop mindful practices for their digital technology use, and my belief for how companies can apply these same ...

True North Manifesto

“True North is your orienting point – your fixed point in a spinning world – that helps you stay on track as a leader. It is derived from your most deeply held beliefs, values, and ...