How to Create a Well-being Strategy
In Why You Need a Well-being Strategy I made the case for how the systems we live and work in are not designed to promote and foster well-being, and as a result we as a ...
In Why You Need a Well-being Strategy I made the case for how the systems we live and work in are not designed to promote and foster well-being, and as a result we as a ...
Over the past ten years my partner, Tim, has been a witness (and sounding board) for my crazy ideas, dreams, pivots, challenges, accomplishments, and resilience. He recently brought to my attention that I am living ...
Well-being is clearly having a moment, but what’s bothering me is this: We, as a people, are not well. This post shares why I believe you need a personal well-being strategy to ensure a life well-lived on your terms.
During the spring and summer of 2023 I experienced some challenging life situations, several of which I wrote about in this two-part story. To sum it up: I was feeling ungrounded and with a sense ...
We left Sedona near the end of January and headed to Phoenix where the plan was to spend two weeks at my mom’s house where we would reset on what was next in our drive-about ...
Sedona, Arizona was the third stop on our drive-about where we planned our 7-week stay on the west side of town in a house at the base of Thunder Mountain. We arrived on a beautiful ...
Right now, I’m thinking about batching my time, meaning to lump similar tasks or activities together in time blocks throughout the day. Aside from the practical productivity hack, I’m sure that my desire is to ...
In no particular order this post highlights my ah-ha moments of the past year. It was a good exercise in reflecting on a year that was like no other and for also helping me to ...
As an escape from reality, I’ve been daydreaming about a vision that has been on my mind over the past three years. I’ve kept this vision mostly to myself, but in light of the many ...
What do you do when something doesn’t sit quite right with you, when your spidey senses tell you something is amiss? I’m not talking about life or death situations, but when you can sense someone ...
What are you training for? It’s not often that I hear a question that stops me in my tracks, one that makes me pause and search for an answer, but this was one of them. ...