The “Why” behind Totally Wise Workshops

The moment I became a parent I developed an awareness and intentionality to live with presence, integrity, and curiosity as an example for my children. This intrinsic force shaped my priorities and behaviors and launched the 23-year journey to where I am now.

I have lived in some of the most dynamic cities in the U.S. – New York, L.A., and Seattle – and travelled for 18 months on a drive-about of the West. My career has been a combination of corporate work in the technology sector and entrepreneurship in the Arts. I left a toxic work environment and walked 450 miles across Spain to reconnect with myself. I’ve fostered a love for teaching through dance, yoga, and mentorship.

Personal setbacks, rejections, and financial hardship have been a part of it all. It has not been an easy path, but each obstacle I faced was a test in understanding my own strength and capacities. Each test was an opportunity to grow, develop, and build resilience, which resulted in a piece-by-piece unlocking of a deep “knowing” or inner wisdom.

I feel called to share what I have learned and that’s why I created Totally Wise Workshops. Through interactive discussions, strategy framework, analytical meditation, tools, templates, and more, the workshops are designed to cultivate awareness, connection, empowerment for developing well-being strategies and building community.

Examples of workshop topics:

  • Establishing awareness of foundational life commitments – First Principles.
  • Identifying what drives your behaviors and shapes who you are – Core Values.
  • Assessment of your five well-being pillars: Body/Mind, Social, Career, Financial, and Community.
  • Practical examples for applying the Awareness, Connection, Empowerment (ACE) Framework to create new habits.


Each of us has the inner wisdom we need to experience a life well-lived and I offer tools to unlock it, Workshops are customized to meet the needs of individuals, businesses, and communities and range from 90-minutes to full-day options.

The first in person Totally Wise Workshop takes place on November 2, 2024, from 1-3pm in Kirkland, WA. You may register for this workshop or sign-up for the wait list for future in person and virtual workshops here.

It is time to gather around the common theme of well-being in support of one another and to define a well-lived life on your terms. Get started with a Totally Wise Workshop.

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